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A terrific red wine from an under-the-radar region and a little-known grape. Above, bunches of Nero Buono framed by the town of Cori. From €9.95, $18. Everything about this wine...
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Learning about wine

There is no substitute for practical experience – especially when it comes to wine. Here are our tips on how to get started, from how to taste to how to choose a wine glass.
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Sound like a pro. Wine tasting and winemaking have their own language. Here's your insider guide to the jargon. Note how many terms there are.
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For many people, one of the most challenging aspects of wine is knowing how to match food and wine.
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The World Atlas of Wine

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Republished with permission from The World Atlas of Wine (8th edn) by Hugh Johnson and Jancis Robinson. Copyright notice: You can make a copy of these maps for your personal use but please note that they remain the copyright of Octopus Publishing Group, of which Mitchell Beazley is a subsidiary, and must not be published elsewhere. Any copyright infringement that comes to our attention will be vigorously pursued by the publisher. Copyright images © Octopus Publishing Group.
The Oxford Companion to Wine, 5th Edition
We are delighted to give members of exclusive access to this easily searchable version of The Oxford Companion to Wine online – including audio pronunciation guides to nearly 2,500 terms. This is the fifth, extensively updated edition of this much-garlanded reference work, published in September 2023.
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anthocyanins, members of a complex group of natural phenolic glycosides (see also phenolics and flavonoids) responsible for the…
Denmark. — With its far northern latitude, Denmark has a very marginal climate for winegrowing. climate change has helped in the…
wildfires — have become an increasingly severe consequence of climate change affecting several wine regions around the world…
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